Ever hear of the two guarantees in life?
That's right the two that are very uncomfortable like death and taxes.
Your chance of death is 100%
While you can't avoid one of the two, the second along with other avoidable expenses like Probate costs can be eliminated with a living trust and the four core estate documents.
If you were to die today how organized are your affairs for your loved ones?
In the same way you wouldn't flush good money down the toilet why would you want your life savings to pay unnecessary court fees in the Probate Court when you can avoid it? Using simple legal documents you put together now you can be prepared and have that peace of mind that you've done the right thing.
As simple as this sounds millions of Americans are failing to get this done before it's too late. When you get ill and lose your mental capacity to legally sign on documents it is too late. When you suddenly pass away it is too late.
There is a very simple process using the Living Trust and three other legal documents where you can have your affairs in order in 2 to 3 weeks. This timeline is dependent upon your desire and motivation to get it done but your result is the ability to leave more for your family or charity.
Imagine what your son or daughter or grandson or granddaughter would do with a little more money in their life so they can get ahead and relieve some of their struggle. What would that charity do if you were able to leave more to them because you avoided Probate Court expenses and could give more?
Are you going to let your state plan your affairs or will you do it and save your family?
Probate Court is a place where your Will is read to validate it and distribute your estate as you've indicated in it. Whether you have a Will or don't have a Will (called dying Intestate) your loved ones wind up in Probate Court trying to settle your affairs.
Fiscal year 2013 reported over 41,419 death Probate cases and over 25,000 mental health cases which include Conservatorships (court process to gain authority over a persons finances) when we get old and suffer an illness like stroke, heart attack, dementia or Alzheimer's.
If you don't have a plan the state will and they will deal it out in the Probate Court at great expense, delay and public display since all court documents are public and available under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA). Does it make sense to lose what you've worked your whole life for only to let the state have more of it along with lawyers, accountants and other professionals who may be needed to appraise the value of your estate?
What if family members started to fight and create more costs and bad blood because you didn't take out time to allocate what you owned in percentages to named family members? Some 35% or more end up in that direction and the sad part is it is all avoidable.
Let us guide you and get this done at an affordable rate and preserve all you've worked for.
We might not be the cheapest out there but as a former elite member of the Armed Service cheap and since when did cheap mean good and why settle? When things are cheap you find out sooner or later and then you just have to replace whatever it is adding to the overall cost and loss of time. Since no one ever made a claim “built to last for 24 hours,” you need to start demanding quality at a fair price and that's what we deliver.
Stop right now if you're the parents of a child who has an intellectual challenge and is on government benefits!!
Did you know that if you pass away and your son or daughter inherits your money they will be disqualified from their current government benefits? Everything they know and everyone they associate with will be stripped from them and their world would be upside down.
There's a better way and it is using a Living Trust and including Special Needs Provisions. When you have a child born with autism, Down syndrome or other affliction it can be challenging. Why leave them in a disaster by not situating your affairs to help them have supplemental or emergency income not meant to replace or remove anything they are currently receiving? In the matter of two or three weeks you can have your affairs situated so that this never happens to your child or grandchild. We've done hundreds of these types of trusts and diffused many ticking time bombs like explosive experts.
But I can buy it for less on line!!
Since when did settling for less when it involves our family become okay? Many clients come to us because they didn't know how to put all the parts together and didn't know what they were missing. There are four core documents in every base estate plan and you need to know all of them and then there is a little work that most plans bought on line never get done. Just having the Living Trust does not protect your family until it is properly funded and up till that time you have the equivalent of a flashlight without the batteries; try that next time you have a power outage.
We urge you to invest in your family and self today and not take anything for granted especially health or fate. Peace of mind comes to those who have taken the steps to avoid the unknown and ensure things go in one direction – towards your family.
There are two Estate Plans
- For those who know how to avoid Probate & taxes.
- The governments plan
Which plan do you choose?