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Health (Scare) Care Reform And An Insidious Tax It Releases

Posted by James Burns | Sep 22, 2019

The new Health care reform bill includes a 3.8 percent Medicare tax on unearned income including annuities, and possibly income recognized from the surrender or sale of life insurance.

Many clients have asked how to get out of annuities they don't need to minimize a potential huge tax hit. This is only if you don't think you'll need this income as we can move it to an insurance policy that is free of the tax, leaves a legacy and still provide some income for you and your family.

This strategy spreads out potential tax payments over a 7-year period and moves funds from an existing annuity where funds are trapped and destined for taxes to efficiently transfer your wealth through life Insurance.

The benefit to you is that you keep more of what you earned and leave more to your family who should be the recipients of all your hard work.

Don't fail to plan or get information on how this might affect you as the outcome could be disastrous.

James Burns.

About the Author

James Burns

Estate Planning, Asset Protection, Business and Real Estate Transactions, nutraceutical Law and franchising:
